In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful
Assalamualaikum/Hi guys..

                fiuh.. dah lame tak hupdate blog..bersawang-sawang dah.disebabkan test dah habis, let's take some time utk bersihkan sawang-sawang yg berhabuk kat blog ni.

Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah to Allah S.W.T for his blessing. masih meminjamkan nyawa pada hamba-hambaNYA yg menulis dan yg membace post ni :)

Alhamdulillah jugak baru selesai kenduri arwah ayah. mak yg sgt excited nak masak macam-macam..=='
ayam rendang,daging masak geram asam la, tauhu sumbat, ayam goreng, cakes, kuih-muih lagi.kenduri naik patah pinggang.

3rd year 2nd semester, yg memerlukan diverge focus dan multitasking.mane taknye ade academic part, ade praktikal part.

academic part
-advance transport process
-process plant design
-engineering economy

practical part
-professional communication skill
-cari tempat intern
-engineering team project

how i wish, i can be like computers, boleh setting, ok fokus akademik pulak, next, fokus yg ni plak.
masih fail utk multitasking.masuk kelas blur~

ape-ape pun

"La hawla wala quwwata illa billah al Aliyyil Adzim"

"Tidak ada daya dan upaya kecuali atas izin Allah yang Maha Tinggi dan Maha Agung"

segala kekuatan, segala kelebihan, kelemahan, nikmat semuanya milik Allah. Hanya kepadaNYA tempat kite meminta pertolongan dan mengadu.

A new problem arise, bile tetibe duit scholar masuk dgn byknye. Time tu pulak addicted nak beli buku.

aren't woman suppose to go crazy for clothes and shopping? this is abnormal, i am chasing after books instead.=='

beli byk2. bajet mcm byk mase nak bace la kan. takpe..lebih baik ade depan mata kite boleh bace dan capai bile teragak, dpd takde.zzzzz

ni lah punca-punca duit scholar cepat kontang dan akhirnye menempel kat mak mintak duit.haha.

our religion also asked us to seek knowledge and read.
So, Let's read and read.

Lets simplify problems.. throw away all the complications :)


remembering sahabiah and imamiyah :)

buku ni pernah pinjam org tapi baru bace satu chapter let's finish it.

I think that's all yang hendak di hupdate. tak banyak pon.

fresh reminder to all of us to remember Allah in everything that we do! :)

                                           When every second spent is just for Allah S.W.T :)

Tika Razale

See ya! :)


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