Final Exam is over!
In the name of Allah , the Most Gracious and The Most Merciful :)
Assalamualaikum to all..
First of all. thanks to Allah S.W.T for everything.
yeay!exam is over.
setelah seminggu lebih tunggang terbalik study,
dengan berbundle-bundle latihan dan nota..
akhirnya tamatlah second year first sem di UTP
so many memories to recap :)
#MPP nomination
For the first time in my life i spoke on the chancellor Hall my manifesto.
after long time,that's a memorable one.before this i am the one who is sitting on the audience sit.hehe. gemuruh ouh.
teringat quote"i do believe that challenges can shape us into a better person for the next day."
picture of me with my big sister :) Nurun Nazahah at the outside of chancellor hall.
After that night.That's the start of my hectic day..
being an MPP gives me so much challenges.
How to control your emotion when people criticize you.
How to adapt with the new surrounding where everybody know you.
How to dress well.*erk..selalu pakai baju tak warna matching..pastu kene marah dgn ex-MPP kene jage dressing.haha.
i love to wear colorful dress and bring me alive* tak matching.okay"I live like this."
#Sukri Jr."Welcome to the world."
Along dah selamat melahirkan anak lelaki..
okay tgk gambar je..tak tgk real lagi..
Rizki nama die..
Hari tu dah buat kenduri cukur jambul dan kenduri aruah..
T.T tak pat balik...ade test heat transfer design mase tu.cis.
takpe hari raye nnt mak ngah bg duit lebih.hehe.
#The worse camping i've ever had.
pada sem ni ktorg berenam pergi bercamping di bukit larut.
best tu mmg best. a lot of new experiences, hiking,night safari.walking in a heavy rain.haha
camping satu mlm penat die mcm seminggu..
first time in my life,hiking..
and seriously sgt penat.termengah-mengah daki bukit.
dah nak smpai ke puncak sbb dah lambat turun balik..hehe
Assalamualaikum to all..
First of all. thanks to Allah S.W.T for everything.
yeay!exam is over.
setelah seminggu lebih tunggang terbalik study,
dengan berbundle-bundle latihan dan nota..
akhirnya tamatlah second year first sem di UTP
so many memories to recap :)
#MPP nomination
For the first time in my life i spoke on the chancellor Hall my manifesto.
after long time,that's a memorable one.before this i am the one who is sitting on the audience sit.hehe. gemuruh ouh.
picture of me with my big sister :) Nurun Nazahah at the outside of chancellor hall.
After that night.That's the start of my hectic day..
being an MPP gives me so much challenges.
How to control your emotion when people criticize you.
How to adapt with the new surrounding where everybody know you.
How to dress well.*erk..selalu pakai baju tak warna matching..pastu kene marah dgn ex-MPP kene jage dressing.haha.
i love to wear colorful dress and bring me alive* tak matching.okay"I live like this."
#Sukri Jr."Welcome to the world."
Along dah selamat melahirkan anak lelaki..
okay tgk gambar je..tak tgk real lagi..
Rizki nama die..
Hari tu dah buat kenduri cukur jambul dan kenduri aruah..
T.T tak pat balik...ade test heat transfer design mase tu.cis.
takpe hari raye nnt mak ngah bg duit lebih.hehe.
alolololo bulatnye mate die.siap nnt.haha.nak cium-cium rizki.:) |
pada sem ni ktorg berenam pergi bercamping di bukit larut.
best tu mmg best. a lot of new experiences, hiking,night safari.walking in a heavy rain.haha
camping satu mlm penat die mcm seminggu..
first time in my life,hiking..
and seriously sgt penat.termengah-mengah daki bukit.
dah nak smpai ke puncak sbb dah lambat turun balik..hehe
inilah kami berenam..suffer together,have fun together,fight together.
“Dan Dialah yang menyatukan di antara hati mereka (yang beriman). Kalaulah engkau belanjakan segala (harta benda) yang ada di bumi, nescaya engkau tidak dapat juga menyatu padukan di antara hati-hati mereka, akan tetapi Allah telah menyatupadukan di antara (hati) mereka. Seungguhnya Ia Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Bijaksana” (Al Anfaal ayat 63)
happy to be friends with you guys :)friends forever.
yang tak leh belah bile kami pergi night safari.adeh.mcm budak-budak je tgk binantang dekat zoo.haha
and then pergi mkn dekat restoran dlm zoo tu..boleh pulak tgh makan,blackout. makan dlm gelap la nmpaknye..satu taiping blackout.T.T
and then on our way back,
hujan turun dengan lebatnya..dah site jauh lagi.
basah kuyup kene hujan,dan kami berteduh di sebuah villa.
keesokan harinya mula lah!
even kene pacat dan menjerit sekuat hati..
tp tu la yg kelakar.haha.
smpai di puncak lihat pemandangan di bwh..SubhanaAllah ciptaan Allah Yang Maha Agung,
cantik sangat..
sempat lagi buat heart to heart talk dgn kak sue before turun.hehe.
at night safari,Taiping
to be continued.....
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